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Preparing for Translation (3)
 Those who have received instruction regarding the evils of the use of flesh foods, tea, and coffee, and rich and unhealthful food preparations, 
 and who are determined to make a covenant with God by sacrifice, will not continue to indulge their appetite for food that they know to be unhealthful. 
 God demands that the appetite be cleansed, and that self-denial be practiced in regard to those things which are not good. This is a work that will have to be done before His people can stand before Him a perfected people.
 (Counsels on Diet and Foods 381.2)
07-26-2016 06:25
Preparing for Translation (2)
 It is not the chief end of man to gratify his appetite.
 There are physical wants to be supplied; but because of this is it necessary that man shall be controlled by appetite? 
 Will the people who are seeking to become holy, pure, refined, 
 that they may be introduced into the society of heavenly angels, 
 continue to take the life of God’s creatures, and enjoy their flesh as a luxury?
 (Counsels on Diet and Foods 381.1)
07-26-2016 06:20
Preparing for Translation (1)
 Among those who are waiting for the coming of the Lord, meat eating will eventually be done away;
 flesh will cease to form a part of their diet.
 We should ever keep this end in view, and endeavor to work steadily toward it.
 I cannot think that in the practice of flesh eating we are in harmony with the light which God has been pleased to give us.
 (Counsels on Diet and Foods 380.4)
07-26-2016 06:19
Back to the Original Diet (3)
 How can they take the life of God’s creatures that they may consume the flesh as a luxury?
 Let them, rather, return to the wholesome and delicious food given to man in the beginning, and themselves practice, and teach their children to practice, mercy toward the dumb creatures that God has made and has placed under our dominion.
 (Counsels on Diet and Foods 380.3)
07-21-2016 11:59
Back to the Original Diet (2)
 Is it not time that all should aim to dispense with flesh foods? 
 How can those who are seeking to become pure, refined, and holy,
 that they may have the companionship of heavenly angels, continue to use as food anything that has so harmful an effect on soul and body?
 (Counsels on Diet and Foods 380.3)
07-21-2016 11:59
Back to the Original Diet (1)
 Vegetables, fruits, and grains should compose our diet.
 Not an ounce of flesh meat should enter our stomachs.
 The eating of flesh is unnatural.
 We are to return to God’s original purpose in the creation of man.
 (Counsels on Diet and Foods 380.2)
07-21-2016 11:58
Agents of Satan (4)
 The black balls which were thrown after the saints were the reproachful falsehoods put in circulation concerning God’s people by those who love and make a lie.
 We should take the greatest care to live a blameless life, and abstain from all appearance of evil, and then it is our duty to move boldly forward, and pay no regard to the reproachful falsehoods of the wicked.
 While the eyes of the righteous are fixed upon the heavenly priceless treasure, they will become more and more like Christ, and thus they will be transformed and fitted for translation.
 (Testimony Treasures Volume 1 130.1)
07-18-2016 10:28
Agents of Satan (3)
 The ones who became disgusted with the company clamoring for the earthly crown are those who have marked the life and end of all who strive for earthly riches.
 Such are never satisfied, but are unhappy, and they become alarmed, and separate themselves from that unhappy class, and seek the true and durable riches. 
 Those who are urging their way through the crowd for the heavenly crown, attended by holy angels, were shown me to be God’s faithful people. 
 Angels lead them on, and they are inspired with zeal to press forward for the heavenly treasure. 
 (Testimony Treasures Volume 1 129.3, 4)
07-18-2016 10:28
Agents of Satan (2)
 They rush madly on, disregarding the miserable end of those whose example they are following.
 Those who reached the crown, and possessed a share in it, and were applauded, are those who obtain that which is the whole aim of their life—riches.
 They receive that honor which the world bestows upon those who are rich.
 They have influence in the world. Satan and his evil angels are satisfied.
 They know that such are surely theirs, that while they are living in rebellion against God, they are Satan’s powerful agents.
 (Testimony Treasures Volume 1 129.2)
07-18-2016 10:19
Agents of Satan (1)
 The multitude of deformed and sickly pressing for the earthly crown are those whose interests and treasures are in this world.
 Although they are disappointed on every side, they will not place their affections on heaven, and secure to themselves a treasure and home there.
 They fail of the earthly, yet while in pursuit of it, lose the heavenly.
 Notwithstanding the disappointment and unhappy life and death of those who were wholly bent upon obtaining earthly riches, others follow the same course.
 (Testimony Treasures Volume 1 129.1)
07-18-2016 08:48
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